
There is a definitive culture in a professional kitchen – a culture that requires certain attributes of members. Membership is not automatic – far from it. It is this culture that attracts many to the profession – it is this culture that leads many to know that this is the career for them, a career that is like no other. Cooks who expect to have any level of success on the job must learn how to meet the expectations of membership and they must earn the right to become a card-carrying member of the kitchen team. This acceptance goes well beyond being offered the job; the rest of the team must experience the worthiness of the new member.

Keep in mind that a new cook will walk into a team environment where others have already proven themselves through the typical stages of a cohesive units development. The new cook is the outsider, the unknown who could very well add to the dynamic chemistry of the group, but might also tear at its foundation. The factors associated with trust are somewhat non-existent at this point – the cook’s resume means very little to those on the ground – who face the battle of preparation and service every day. If anything, there is likely a level of mistrust without any legitimate reason except the unknown. There is a mutual level of angst among established team members and new cooks – time will be the great equalizer.

So what should the new cook know about transitioning into this environment and how he or she might ease the process of acceptance? Here is a start:

[]         LEVELS OF TRUST

We would all like to believe that there is unconditional trust among team members, but this is quite rare. In all likelihood a new cook will enter a kitchen right in the middle of mistrust and unconditional trust. In other words every other team member is guarded with his or her feelings of trust – they will watch the new cook for any signs of violating the pact of the kitchen. It only takes one misstep for the team to write off the new cook as untrustworthy.

[]         SKILL ANXIETY

Even the most seasoned cook is cautious about a new team member: “Are my skills as good or better than the new cook’s?” “ Will the new cook be able to work consistently at the same level as our team?” This anxiety of competence will be prevalent equally among existing and new members of the team. The new cook should do what he or she does consistently well, admit when his or her skills are lacking with a particular task, ask for help, offer help when others may ask, and by all means never try to correct an existing team member’s skills until the transition time is over.


Every cook learns a definitive way of approaching his or her job; they apply certain steps and procedures that are unique to them, but that after trial and error work (for them). It is always important to note that a cook’s routine impacts, at some level, everyone else’s routine. So… a new cook who intends to interject his or her routine into an already established kitchen flow will incur resistance. Sometimes it is best, at least in the beginning, to listen and adapt to how things are currently done. This accommodation until trust is built among team members will serve a new cook well.

line cook


It would be a mistake to state that there is a right or wrong system for the operation of a kitchen, and in particular – a line. There are dozens of ways that chefs and cooks adapt established methods to work in a specific operation. Equipment, kitchen layout, staff expertise, and menu will always drive the system that evolves over time. The system that a new cook may be use to might not work in his or her new kitchen home. Be open minded and willing to listen to the how and why things are done a certain way in your new environment. Your thoughts might be better, but remember it is ultimately important to win that trust from the team first.


First and foremost every kitchen team is looking for respect. They are where they are as a result of trial and error, refinement, investment in skill development, communication, definition of flavor profiles, and trust among all of the players. A new cook who respects this will go a long way towards acceptance and the end goal of “fitting in”.


There is a great deal of truth to the statement that “a new set of eyes can help a business improve”. Your ideas are important to you and may become a catalyst for positive change in a kitchen. It’s all about timing. Once that team trust is gained and you have been accepted as a member of the kitchen unit then your ideas will likely find a receptive audience. Standing on a soapbox too early will kill the best ideas.


Patience is a virtue whether you are brand new to kitchen life or a seasoned veteran moving to a new restaurant. If your hope is to become a leader then realize that the most important attribute of a leader is that he or she needs followers. Look behind you, take your time, listen, support others, demonstrate your dependability, and you will begin to find more team members listening to you and choosing to follow your example. Leaders are born from trust and consistency.



The brother and sisterhood of the kitchen are born from the realization that everyone is in it together. If there is a weak link then others will step up to help, if someone is off a step or in the weeds then others will pick up the slack, if mistakes are made then the team takes responsibility and chooses not to point fingers. When this environment is present then the kitchen will thrive and win, when it is absent then failure will raise its ugly head. This is always true! As a new cook you need to learn this “code of the kitchen” – we are in this together – all for one and one for all.


Ask a chef what trait is deemed most important in a kitchen and after careful thought I am confident that he or she will point to dependability. I am not referring to occasional dependability, but rather dependability as part of a person’s character. Cooks – new or seasoned – must be 100% dependable. Will you show up to work on time, take care of your station, always prepare enough mise en place for whatever comes your way, consistently address each dish the way it was meant to be prepared, insist on impeccable sanitation, cut those vegetables just right, take the time to follow cooking procedures to the letter of the law, show up to work fully focused on the job, approach the job with professionalism, refrain from putting others down, and remain totally committed to customer service – ALWAYS? That is what is meant by dependability.


If the kitchen is to succeed as a cohesive unit then honesty must be the baseline. Tasting other’s food – be honest, critiquing a plate presentation – be honest, reflecting on how service went – be honest, and commenting on how others run their station – be honest. The caveat is that there is a difference between honesty and brutal honesty – it is the same as the difference between critique and criticism. Critique is honesty with assistance – showing the individual how to make things better without being demeaning. Criticism is the opposite and almost always leads to misinterpretation, embarrassment, and anger. Choose your words wisely.


In the end, if you take the time to observe, mentally catalog, listen, reflect, and focus on becoming a member of the kitchen team first then there will be countless opportunities to contribute and offer your unique talents to the ongoing success of the kitchen. Learn to fit in first.


Harvest America Ventures, LLC

Restaurant Training and Consulting




2 responses to “COOKS – LEARNING HOW TO FIT IN”

  1. […] a new kitchen is the subject of a another fantastic blog post penned by chef Paul Sorgule over at Harvest America Ventures, informed by his decades of experience in professional kitchens. He has some sound advice for new […]

  2. […] a new kitchen is the subject of a another fantastic blog post penned by chef Paul Sorgule over at Harvest America Ventures, informed by his decades of experience in professional kitchens. He has some sound advice for new […]

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About Me

PAUL SORGULE is a seasoned chef, culinary educator, established author, and industry consultant. These are his stories of cooks, chefs, and the environment of the professional kitchen.
